Badge Raffle

Hello, call me Crow!Now that a Title by The Homebakery has earned a Badge on DMs Guild, I am running a promotional raffle. Here, you can find information about it and my ToS.This isn't the only raffle I have planned:
Copper Raffles will have one winner
Silver Raffles will get two winners
Gold Raffles will get three!

Raffle Rules

🍰 Must be following @the_Homebakery on Twitter!
🔁 Retweet this Raffle Announcement Post on Twitter
📷 Reply to the Announcement Post with an image of your TTRPG character.
All three requirements must be met for your entry to count!
the raffle closes on the 27th!
If your name is drawn:
I will announce that a winner has been selected in a tweet & DM that person on Twitter.
❗ If your DMs are not open on twitter I will wait at least 24 hours from the announcement to chose another winner please DM me before then.
Once I have your refs and any other pertinent information, I will get started on your prize.
You will receive a (watermarked) sketch, and can make any changes you want.
❗ Once the sketch is approved I will not be accepting major changes later.
You will also receive an image with flat colors so the colors can be approved before shading.

Prize Details

The winner will receive a half-body illustration of your TTRPG Character, in color, with a simple color background. A sketch and flat colors will be sent to you for approval before the final product is digitally shipped via DMs.The winner will also receive a Token!
The Token will be a Readable Portrait of your character based on the illustration. The token is also customizable. Its border is a circle and designed to look metallic. You can chose the background color, which will either be flat or a gradient, and you can choose the color of the border from Gold, Silver, Rainbow Gradient, Trans Pride, Red, Purple, Blue, or Green. You can also get the token without a border, either circular or square.
❗I want to deliver a good quality image that does your character justice, but there are clear limits to my skill. I cannot accept animals or complicated machinery. If I have concerns about my ability to work with a design, we can discuss and work something out.

Terms of Service

These terms may be revised at any time without warning. This is to keep them relevant to my needs, preferences, and work ethic.

Because this is not a paid project, and because I have a day job, I cannot promise a very speedy turnaround time. A lot depends on my energy levels and ability to focus, and the unstable nature of these things is much of the reason I do not take commissions.
If you do not hear from me for a week, that is far too long: please feel free to DM me for an update. I will try to be as communicative as possible if anything major gets in the way.
That said: The “Prize Tracker” should be updated as I go if you’re curious.
I will send a sketch for approval to make sure things are going well.
I will allow 1 major revision (such as a redraw), and five minor revisions. This is for speed and efficiency for us both. I do not have the patience for endless minor updates, and this is not a paid project, so at some point it will no longer be worth my time.
If a detail is brought up that I missed from refs, that’s my mistake and will not count toward the five minor revisisons.
I will also send a version with flat colors to make sure I have them right, too, but that should be a more straightforward process.
Both these types of updates will be watermarked.
If you have a Very Strong Idea of what your character looks like this will go easier on both of us with detailed references if you got them! If I’m confused about something or need clarification, I’ll ask. I love my PCs too and I know how important the little details are, I’ll try to do yours justice!Terms of Use
The finished product, both Illustration and Token, are for Personal Use Only. Printing is allowed for personal use only, as is distribution on websites (posting your illustration to social media such as twitter or tumblr is fine, as well as to toyhouse, refsheet, or any other gallery/OC library site) as long as proper credit is given. If you are concerned whether the credit given is enough, please feel free to ask! ♡
As this is not paid work, I am not offering a commercial license. Use of this work for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Credit must always be given back to me. The illustration will have my watermark on it, thus credit should be easy! Cropping or editing out my watermark is a violation of these terms. I retain the rights to the actual art (not the character, of course) for purposes pertaining to posing on social media as well as the right to use the illustration as an example for future work and in my portfolio. I do not, under any circumstances, allow my work to be used for any sort of Blockchain related technology, this includes but is not limited to NFTs and any other sort of Cryptocurrency.
My work is absolutely not allowed for AI training or databases.
I reserve the right to refuse working for someone for any reason.
I reserve the right to cancel work for someone for any reason.

the Baker and the Crow

The Homebakery is an individual endeavor. Everything is done by Fruits, the writing, formatting, publishing, marketing, social media presence, etc. all of it is Fruits. I help out occasionally by proofreading and by boosting when I can, as well as doing illustrations when able. Make no mistake: we are romantic partners, but we are not business partners!
The Raffle was entirely my idea, signed off by Fruits on behalf of the Homebakery. I wanted to help get eyes on the earning of a badge to boost the HB. It’s a hell of a fight against the algorithm out there. If you participated in this: I thank you very much!We have been mistaken for business partners in the past, so I wanted to make this information publicly available.TIPPING
Tips are neither expected nor necessary, but greatly appreciated if you feel so inclined but.
I would actually ask that you consider supporting the Homebakery instead as it would be going toward letting Fruits maybe quit retail and the ability for us to move in together, so if you do support, we are eternally grateful.

Sorry, the raffle is currently not active!

Thank you for your interest in the Badge Raffle!Currently, there is no raffle running.The Raffle for Behind The Mask earning a Copper Badge ran between April 25-27. The winner has been selected and notified.Hopefully the Homebakery earns another badge soon and there will be another chance to win.Please remember if you purchase a Homebakery Title to please leave a rating and review. It helps fruits know what's working in their content, and what people would like to see more or less of.